Opening the Senses of the Soul (Paperback)
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Opening The Senses Of The Soul: Healing Into Wholeness With Nature's Vibrational Medicine (Paperback version)
How deeply do you want to live your life?
Now more than ever we are being called to step up to heal our wounds and reclaim our authentic inner power in service to the planet. In this timely discourse, Samantha draws on years of clinical experience, working with thousands of clients, to explain how returning to Mother Earth, in the form of vibrational medicine, can be one of our most valuable tools in this process.
Opening the Senses of the Soul allows us to:
- move past our harmful physical symptoms, patterns, roles, beliefs and self-serving, fear-based behaviours
- restore balance in our physical bodies and lives, and release what no longer serves us
- reclaim our inner power and overcome our current cultural apathy
- open our intuition, and awareness, to enable us to be of service for the highest good of all
- flow with change and integrate new messages from the universal consciousness into our whole being
- live with depth and focus in our daily experiences
Through exploration of the co-creative masculine and feminine, dominant archetypes, and the chakras, Samantha helps us to understand the underlying and symbolic meanings behind many common illnesses, and what the body is trying to tell us. Samantha instructs us on how we can use nature’s vibrational medicine to support us, as we heal and open the senses of the soul, to reconnect with our soul’s purpose.
Filled with practical tools, case studies, and remedy information, Opening the Senses of the Soul invites all of us to step into the healed, authentic, and meaningful lives that we are here to live. In doing so, we may be conscious co-creators of a sustainable and fulfilling future on this planet.
Customer Reviews
After reading this book, I feel like I understand my entire life in a new light. I now see how connected every emotional and relationship experience ties into my health, and how not having boundaries or being able to speak my truth manifested into fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, daily chronic migraine, ear infections and tonsils removed (I could go on, but I'll leave it at that).
I've been able to witness how the shadow archetypes have played out in all areas of my life, and how I have intuitively been living in alignment and making repairs for a while now, before this book came to me. I've also been able to witness how I live more of my life in the empowered and evolving archetypes rather than the shadows, as well as how I'm triggered and slink back into shadow.
I was asking for a book about archetypes and then this one appeared. My sister bought it at a used book store years ago, never read it and left it on her bookshelf where it patiently waited for me to be ready for it in divine timing.
Thank you for this timeless offering of remembrance during this time of collective awakening and rebirth. It was written 11 years ago, and I feel like it was in preparation for the shifts and evolution of today. Thank you, Samantha. You truly are a gift.
Thank you so much Brittany! I am so grateful that my writings helped you along on your soulful journey! xo
This book has helped me tap into my own inner awareness of healing. It truly is a gift, and the wealth of information is easy to digest and integrate. I highly recommend this book to anyone that feels the call to begin their own self-explorational journey, or to those that want to dive deeper into their journey by using vibrational plant medicine.
This book is a staple on my shelves. Samantha has this incredible way of breaking down our healing into manageable steps. I refer to this book often for my own journey or to help others in my life who are looking to bring awareness to additional ways of healing. Whether a beginner to energy healing or life long student this book has something for everyone!
Thank you beautiful guide and true mentor Samantha! I love you and your work has been instrumental in my healing journey. I have keep your book on my bedside table for years and I refer to it regularly when faced with healing crisis, both mine and my loved ones. The way you describe and communicate the ideas of people, personalities and their impact on out outcomes and well being in your book (and in person) has shaped my world view and helped shifted me to a more holistic perceptive. Your book particularity is a concrete resource of often diffuse or hard to grasp concepts to the lay person. Thank you for keeping your writing approachable, inclusive and honest. The illustrations in the book are also very helpful in increasing understanding and the layout is intuitive and clear. Cant wait until your next publication- the world needs it ;)