Ascension Updates

July 2024 Ascension Energies: Dreaming a New Life Into Being

July's theme: Dreaming A New Life Into Being July Keywords: self worth, balanced power, will, self truth, selfless impeccability, psychospiritu...

June 2024 Ascension Energies: Freedom from Suffering

June's theme: Freedom from Suffering June Keywords: Emotional Courage, Forgiveness, Pure Spiritual Courage Chakra Focus: 4th June Archetypes: T...

May 2024 Ascension Energies: Being the Light

May's theme: Being the Light May Keywords: Gateway Connection to Spirit and Higher Self, Dreamwork/Recall, Channelling, Heightened Altered Stat...

April 2024 Ascension Update: A Cosmic Invitation

April’s theme: A Cosmic Invitation April Keywords: Divine Purpose, Spiritual Connection, Cosmic Wisdom, One With All, Spiritual Altruism Chakra ...

How To Navigate The Abundance Timeline!

Dancing with the Flow of Creation and Navigating the Abundance Timeline We are in the process of Shape Shifting to galvanize the lessons we are ...

March 2024 Ascension Update - Karmic Balance Reset!

March’s theme: Karmic Balance Reset March Keywords: Unity, Partnership, Emotional Boundaries, Sacred Union, Spiritual/Material Balance, Service...

February 2024 Ascension Update: 20 DAY DNA Upgrade!

February’s theme: DNA 1-6 Activation and Remembrance February Keywords: communication, co-creative action, impassioned purpose, soulful co-creat...

2024: The Year of Reaping & Realisation

2024’s theme: The Year of Reaping & RealisationKeywords: Security, Rootedness, Purpose, Safety, CommunityChakra Focus: 1st (Root) ChakraArch...

December 2023 Ascension Update & My Self Mastery Portal is now LIVE!

  December 2023’s theme: Leaning into Soul Growth December’s Keywords: Perseverance, Personal Choice, Courage, PurifyChakra Focus: 3rd ChakraArc...

November 2023 Ascension Energies Update

November 2023’s theme: Opening to ReadinessNovember’s Keywords: Cosmic Wisdom, Spiritual Connection, Mystical Expansion Hello Beautiful Soul! ...

October 2023 Eclipses & Transmuting Trauma Tips

Oct 14 - New Moon in Libra 10:55 AM PDT Oct 14 - Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra  Oct 28 - Full Moon in Taurus 01:24 PM PDT Oct  28 - Partial Lun...

October 2023 Ascension Energies Update

October 2023’s theme: Transmuting Our Trauma October’s Keywords: wisdom, intuition, personal transmutation Hello Beautiful Soul! If last mont...