December 2019 Ascension Update
This Month’s Theme: Enhancement
Hello Soul Family,
This is the last phase of the 11th REALM of learning in the Human Ascension Process. This phase of Enhancement in December will unlock and filter down many aspects that contribute to our highest good and to the energy of co-creation. We have alchemically transformed this year in so many ways! New energy and possibilities await! As always it is up to us to integrate and find the willpower to use these enhancements from Spirit to further our evolution.
Here are the highlights:
- Increased Spiritual alignment for us, which means we are coming more into alignment with our soulful purpose, as well as with the spiritual aspects of ourselves that resonate and integrate with our earthly self. Our Soul Blueprint (9th chakra) continues to unlock in various ways and we unhook from the old that kept us from being truly heart centered, empowered and abundant.
- More second to fifth chakra alignment will come on-line to unlock our truth, our voice, our passion, co-creative energies, our will power, our joy, love and psychic/intuitive abilities.
- This includes Integrating opposite aspects of us into harmonious living. Our masculine and feminine traits, head and heart, left and right brain so:
Masculine: logic, reason, action, resilience, loyal, adventurous, rational, strength.
Feminine: intuition, nurturing, healing, gentle, expressive, wise, patient, emotional, flexible.
- Creation of more abundance needed in all appropriate areas for us to feel more empowered. We will receive exactly what we need to receive if we are in alignment without ego!
-Expedition of clarity in the subconscious.
- Alignment of our inner knowing with our higher truth and Higher Self.
- Bridging of the energies of the third and seventh chakras so that we can be more clear and confident in our decision making.
For more please see my December 2019 Ascension Energies Video below!
Love Samantha xo
Archetypes for December (what we are learning): The Mystic, The Lover, The Enchanter/Enchantress
RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS: The Eleventh Realm (Enhancement), The Mystic Elixir (Service Oriented Purpose, Soulful Abundance), The Lover Elixir (Love, Joy), The Enchanter/Enchantress Elixir (Meditation, Shadow World Navigation, Channeling,Grounded Expansion)
Teas: Feel No Fear Tea, Thrive Immune Tea
NEW MONTHLY DISCOUNT CODE: Receive 10% off the above products for the month of December. See below for discount code in Monthly Specials section!
Psycho spiritual and physical symptoms for December: still some indecision about your future (but you will be more sure about your path!), nervousness, grief, anger, hostility, watch the health of your heart, thyroid, brain, liver, spleen, blood, lymphatic system, throat, Thymus (Higher Heart). Our digestion will still be challenged as the Solar Plexus continues to shift so cleansing out toxins will be needed in December or January. We will still have some skin issues and heat flushing but not as badly as in November. Take the time to ground, center and nurture yourself daily. Keep thoughts positive as they create your reality, follow intuitive nudges, and remain ignited but practical in your decision making. Stay focused and true to yourself!
Cosmic Events
December 11 - Full Moon (Calgary, AB, MST)
12:12:12 Gateway - more loving wisdom, more 6th chakra enhancement, integration of the material with spiritual and nurturing of our inner child will be needed.
Dec 13/14 - Geminid Meteors peaks
Dec 21 - Winter Solstice, 9:19pm (Calgary, AB, MST)
Dec 22/23 - Ursid Meteors peaks
Dec 25/26 - New Moon & Annular Solar Eclipse (Calgary, AB, MST) - This eclipse is about new beginnings. This is a time for setting practical, attainable goals; working on developing maturity and common sense; considering the future, and preparing for it; focusing on concrete ways of developing self- discipline and self-mastery. Onward we go into 2020!
NEW Monthly Specials!
Each month the recommended products to enhance your soulful journey will be on sale!
Please check out the new Monthly Specials page on the Senses of the Soul website!
All the above recommended archetypal and chakra products are 10% off until December 31st both on-line or as in-store purchase.
Please use the coupon code below at check-out! All prices do not include gst or shipping cost.
Bioclinic 7 Day ReduceXS Cleanse Kit
$10 off - Regular $75 Sale Price $65
* Targeted intestinal therapy
* Gentle, effective detoxification without recirculation of toxins
* Two stage process to heal and support detoxification
* Provides to meal replacements per day for seven days
* Contains a comprehensive guide book with sample menus
* Gluten free, low allergy potential formulas
* Low glycemic load
Buy now on our monthly specials page!
Thrive Immune Tincture - Buy One at regular price ($35) Get One Free.
I brewed another batch of the Thrive Immune Tincture on Halloween this year!
Fall and winter flu / cold symptoms are frequent this season, and many are weary from a fast paced year along with so much deep, inner psycho-spiritual work.
Our immune system needs more support and our digestion requires more warmth to get us through until spring. Once again I want to support abundance by offering my Thrive Immune Blend with a BUY 1 GET 1 FREE (while supplies last). This tasty blend of intentionally-formulated herbs and spices is designed to support the body against illness and the effects of stress. Chock full of vitamin C and antioxidants, it also contains antiviral, antibacterial, and other immune-boosting ingredients.
Ingredients: Elderberry and Elderflower, Echinacea Root, Echinacea Leaf, Astragalus, Blackberry, Ginger Root, Clove, Licorice, Cinnamon, alcohol (vodka), water
For those 10 years old and over - 30 drops x 2 day
5-9 years - 15 drops x 2 a day (Not recommended for children under 5 years)
Buy now on our monthly specials page!
Senses of the Soul
Senses of the Soul is dedicated to supporting others on their soulful journey to embrace their highest illuminative potential. All parts of this visionary business, from its healing centre, clinical practice, botanical sanctuary, and product line form a cohesive vision to uplift, inspire and empower others to become conscious co-creators of their own life and engage as self-responsible caretakers of our beloved planet.
Samantha Orthlieb

Follow my blog for intuitively channelled insights on our Human Ascension process and the embodiment of a new Human Evolutionary Template within ourselves. My blog contains the latest themes, patterns, and common health and wellness issues that are affecting each of us and the collective consciousness as we upgrade and heal during this new paradigm of Love and Light.