Consultations, Self-Mastery Sessions & Readings

Health & Psychospiritual Consultation
A health and wellness consultation that incorporates a Plant Spirit Medicine protocol to untangle and support healing of your acute and chronic health/wellness issues.
Consultation includes bringing awareness to and defining blockages / limiting beliefs in your body/mind and chakra archetypal patterns that are creating dis-ease, as well as targeted herbal and vibrational medicine protocols that support you to ease psychospiritual and physical issues.
Cost of the Plant Spirit Medicine protocol is separate from consultation fee.
Note: If psychospiritual aspects are deep and require more support, then I will recommend booking 1 or more Self Mastery Guidance sessions (see below) with me to create a stronger and faster healing foundation for you.
All consultations will be conducted via Zoom.
PLEASE BE AWARE: some of the herbal medicines that I use for these consults contain alcohol (tinctures). If you have an aversion/allergy to alcohol and will not take natural medicine in this form, then I cannot have you as a health/psychospiritual client.
Initial Consultation (18 year & older)
$177 + GST (includes a copy of my book, Opening the Senses of the Soul)
If you are booking an Initial Health and Psychospiritual appointment with me, these intake forms must be completed prior to your session: Senses of the Soul Health Questionnaire and your payment must be submitted in advance.
If you cancel your session 24 hours prior to it's start time you will be refunded the full amount.
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Follow-up Consultation (18 years & older)
$111 + GST
Self-Mastery Guidance Session
A session that dives into a current psychospiritual issue or crisis you are facing and supports you with wise guidance, spiritual assurance, and clarity.
This session spiritually, emotionally and mentally “ups your game” and will help you weather storms, uncertainty and rough patches in your life.
Let me be the supportive mirror to reflect back what you need to see to shift, change and thrive!
It is your Divine Right to live in balance with your inner wisdom and highest guidance within a safe and sacred container. My goal is to support you to tap into your connection with the universal intelligence that is innately in you, to achieve greater spiritual resilience, self-mastery, empowerment, and peace in your daily life.
A Self-Mastery Guidance Session is a form of spiritual coaching to help you gain a greater understanding of the archetypal energies manifesting in your life, Spiritual Laws and Universal Truths available to you, and allows you to be in greater alignment and authenticity in all aspects of your life.
This session can focus on:
- a current personal or spiritual crisis
- emotional aftershocks from trauma
- identifying a deeper sense of soul purpose/passion or clarity
- earthly and spiritual alignment
- defining and tackling self-sabotage
- setting firm boundaries
- defining and addressing limiting beliefs and patterns
- ensuring your actions are alignment with your values
- an imbalance in a certain area of your life
This session can be on its own, or layered with the Health & Psychospiritual Consultation to give you deeper support as emotions and mental patterns arise when untangling and smoothing out health/wellness issues.
1 session supports you to gain clarity, higher perspective, insights and perhaps start to make some concrete shifts and changes in your area of concern. Each session is 30 minutes.
3-6 sessions are recommended to make lasting shifts and changes that require greater support. All sessions are conducted via Zoom.
Investment in your self-mastery: $222 per session
Prior to your first session, please fill out this INTAKE FORM
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Soul Chakra Reading
A 40-minute intuitively channeled reading regarding your dominant chakra & element, soulful focus/learning in this lifetime, gifts, and life lessons. $255 + GST
This reading is also a good introduction to my work to see if you and I are a good fit!
It sets a solid foundation for you to go on to my other sessions. This reading will be conducted via Zoom.
Please complete the Cancellation Form as well as submit your payment in advance. If you cancel your session 24 hours prior to it's start time you will be refunded the full amount.
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Soul Wisdom Oracle Reading
A 20-minute audio Oracle Reading using the Senses of the Soul Oracle Card Deck. $99 + GST
I will record a 20-minute audio recording about your soulful journey at this time using my Oracle Card Deck along with any Cosmic, Ascended Master, and/or Angelic guidance that is channeled. The audio session will be emailed to you.
When you purchase this session you can include any specific questions that you want me to answer in the special instructions section on the shipping cart.
Note: this session is not about predicting your future, but to give you specific clarity and wisdom needed at this time on your life journey.
Click HERE to purchase.
Contact me about my products, my book (Opening the Senses of the Soul), Oracle Deck or your shopping cart order at:
I am also a soulful participant on Facebook, YouTube, and have monthly Ascension Energies updates about our collective evolutionary path. Let's connect and journey together!