February 2020 Ascension Energies Update
This month’s themes: Patience and Incubation
Hello Soul Family,
We continue our 2020 Ascension process with a deeper dive into our healing during the 12th Realm of learning. The cosmic energies are allowing us to reach a new level of growth, to finish releasing past emotional heart residue and line up with a new phase of our life.
We are rebirthing, cocooning and still healing.
Our Soul Blueprint is now accessible, more freedom awaits, and we hold the keys to unlocking more of our potential as abundant, joyous, co-creative human BE-ings!
For the first time in human history full soulful self-actualization is now available to us!
However, more time is needed, more patience as we move to higher consciousness, process and cultivate new awareness. We are surveying this new spiritual “territory”, and must study the cosmic map before bravely setting off.
During February we will need to let go of more fear of uncertainty (particularly around finances), and take the plunge into risk and that which may scare us, leave us untethered, but will ultimately bring more joy. Psychospiritual endurance, commitment to our truth, walking our talk and strong boundaries will be needed to do this.
As we connect more to our 9th chakra (Blue Star Chakra) , we are connecting to sources of ancient knowledge to reveal our soul purpose and authentic self. A deeper inner knowing and cosmic wisdom is ours to access, which will help to guide us on this next stage of our journey.
For more please watch my video!

Love Samantha xoxo
Archetypes for FEBRUARY (what we are learning): The Guru, The Spiritual Warrior
RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS: The Twelfth Realm (Patience, Incubation), The Guru Elixir (Spiritual Connection), The Spiritual Warrior Elixir (Psycho-Spiritual Endurance)
Teas: Healthy Boundaries, Release the Past
Sprays: Rose Hydrosol
NEW MONTHLY DISCOUNT CODE: Receive 10% off the above products for the month of February. See below for discount code in Monthly Specials section!
Psychospiritual and physical symptoms for February: redemptive dreaming continues at night with deeper processing, downloads and insights during that time which will help you to heal, there will still be immune issues, periods of grief, anger, hostility and wanting to give up. Watch the health of your nervous system, heart, liver, spleen, lymphatic system. Sinus issues, ear congestion, dull headaches and pressure behind the eyes will continue. The throat and Thymus is clearing and shifting (hence throat issues, coughing, lung heaviness, aching and tightness in this area). Our digestion will still be challenged as the Solar Plexus continues to shift. We will still have some skin issues and heat flushing. Take the time to ground, center and nurture yourself daily. Stay hydrated - it’s very important for this phase of healing. Be very patient with yourself, stay committed to your healing, your self-worth and know that you can create your life differently. Allow yourself time to heal and align with your destiny. Stand tall, stand your ground. You deserve abundance, healthy/reciprocal relationships, love and peace. Life is indeed full of alchemical miracles and new possibilities!
Cosmic Events
February 2 - Imbolc, Candlemas - the Light returns
February 9 - Full Moon / Super Moon (Leo)(Calgary, AB, MST)
February 23 - New Moon (Pisces), Calgary, AB, MST
Feb 1-17 - Pre-retrograde
Feb 18-March 9 - Mercury Retrograde
March 10-20 - Post-retrograde
FEBRUARY Monthly Specials!
Each month the recommended products plus others to enhance your soulful journey are on sale!
Please check out the Monthly Specials page on the Senses of the Soul website!
All the above recommended products are 10% off until February 25th both on-line or as in-store purchase.
Please use the coupon code below at check-out! All prices do not include gst or shipping cost.

Samantha Orthlieb