February's theme: Enhancing Receptivity
February Archetypes: The Sovereign, The Mystic
2025 New Earth Archetypes: The Compassionate Innocent, The Wise Advocate
Chakra Focus: 2nd
Key Words: Creativity, Emotional Boundaries, Unity, Sacred Union, Resolute Faith, Service Oriented Purpose, Divine Liberation, Spiritual/Material Balance, Soulful Abundance
Hello Beautiful Soul!
In February we are igniting vibrational creative forces that are contained in our second chakra (sacral area) to strengthen our sense of empowerment and creative manifestation!
Powerful cosmic energies during this month are propelling us forward to a significant reset point in our lives! It’s an exceptional time to be on the planet, as each of us steps into our own unique Divine Blueprint and creates our earthly life from a place of awareness, empowerment and authenticity.
Divine Liberation is occurring as we reawaken our creative power and fuse it with divine guidance. There is a “fire within” that is being stoked in February so that we can transcend to a Higher Mindset and Higher Order during the March DNA Upgrade.
To merge with this new level of Higher Mindset/Order via the DNA Upgrade there is an elevation of our sovereignty and creative power required that is born from a decluttering and cleansing of deep emotions that hampers and holds us hostage from discerning the true needs of our own heart.
As we raise our vibration in the 2nd chakra to be receptive and fulfill our needs, we can then shift out of apathy, narcissism and loneliness. This permits us greater divine liberation, co-creation, and the ability as a collective to create more enlightened and heartfelt responses to the challenges that we face in our world and our individual lives.
We are moving to an illuminated matrix of REVOLUTION!
The two archetypal energies that will support us to engage our 2nd chakra on a new level and further our illumination in February are the Sovereign and the Mystic.
YOU are being supported to synthesize higher consciousness to impact the common good in the form of loving service and take action anchored in loving wisdom to advocate for change. In doing so you transcend to another level of Being so that you can live through the heart.
More in my video about the energies of February and these archetypes to support YOU to elevate your self-mastery this month!
Also see the story below of GOOD KARMA, my Spirit Horse, and how he is changing the world!
Buy my complete 2025 Archetypal Forecast for only $22
Take a deep dive and learn about the Sovereign and the Mystic in my Navigating the Ascension Journey Course
Go on an interdimensional Galactic Hero’s Journey and embody the Compassionate Innocent, the Wise Advocate along with the other New Earth Archetypes in my Navigating the Future Course
In service and divine liberation,
PS - Please reach out and let me know if you resonated with this Ascension Update and newsletter, and feel free to share it with others who also want love, peace and unity in our world! We are all on this incredible galactic human journey together!
Products for FEBRUARY
20% off recommended products, and $15 Flat rate shipping (Canada & US)
Link to purchase: https://sensesofthesoul.ca/collections/monthly-specials
The Sovereign Essence & Elixir: supports you to step into your own authentic power and embrace your co-creative masculine and feminine energies. Through connecting with your authentic power you can maintain healthy personal boundaries and relationships, channel creativity, manifest abundance, and live a life of co-creative service.
The Mystic Essence & Elixir: supports you to dissolve your individualistic ego identity and ignite the creative energy of your second chakra in resolute faith of a higher calling. A balancer of polarities, the Mystic will also facilitate Sacred Union of the feminine and masculine within, to allow you to live a spiritual life with soulful earthly purpose.
Metal Element Essence: supports flexibility, selfless impeccability, divine choice, knowing you always have a choice, releasing and transforming your grief into life experience, cultivating intimacy, harmony, and “right” (co-creative) relationships
The Compassionate Innocent Essence: supports optimism at every turn and viewing life with soft eyes, nurtures soul purity, inner strength and soft resilience to stimulate growth on all levels,
The Wise Advocate Essence: supports synthesis of higher consciousness to impact the common good in the form of loving service and actions anchored in loving wisdom to advocate for change
Sacred Union Spray: supports reuniting you to the Beloved within, stimulates your masculine and feminine to work together in divine union,
Sacred Union Tea: supports togetherness of your masculine and feminine into peace, harmony and true equal partnership. Fusing Spiritual Love with sexuality, it allows forgiveness toward the masculine by the feminine and the surrender of abusive masculine power over the feminine
Love Chakra Spray: expands the 4th Chakra and the Higher Heart Chakra, opening oneself to explore the depth and breadth of the heart with loving intention. Generously spray the space around you when in doubt or when melancholy takes over your emotional space.
Love Chakra Tea: Every sip supports you to find unconditional love, without codependency, resentment, or neglect of self. True love rings out from the heart with a soft radiance that encompasses all it meets. It is gentle and graceful, allowing for forgiveness of others and most of all yourself. Indulge yourself in this tea when you find things beginning to darken, to bring light, love, and joy back into your life.
Royal Amber Oil: Amber is a tree resin and is a symbol of protection and renewal. Is especially useful for meditating and clearing the mind, body and spirit in readiness for expanding consciousness such as DNA Upgrades.
How Herbal Archetype Elixirs, Archetype Essences and Ascension Essences help you and which ones to choose are on my FAQ Page. Or deep dive to learn how to test yourself and others for these products in my Self-Mastery Portal Courses
February psychospiritual
and physical symptoms:
This year the body and mind will be challenged to come into greater synthesis with the whole, with the concept of co-creation, with pulling in information in a holistic/holographic way, the nervous system will be taxed and stretched to bring in greater attunement to higher frequencies. The sun cycle will continue to be very active and support shifts in our power, spiritual illumination and clarity. Other important comic dates and gateways will trigger the opportunity to ascend, bring in more creativity and manifestation.
Above all, watch and support your heart health and mental health this year!
Here are the symptoms for February:
Positive symptoms: greater emotional balance, increased well being, creative energy, partnership within, and healthy emotional boundaries, more wholeness within, acceptance, forgiveness, unconditional love for self/others, joy, play, heart centered purpose and spirituality, detachment from drama, interdependent relationships
Negative/Shadow symptoms: Emotional instability, emotional numbness (or wanting to numb), guilt, low kidney energy, kidney/bladder infections, yeast infections, stiff/inflamed joints, heat/sweating, increased PMS, prostate enlargement, tension in body/mind, anxiety, loneliness, sense of separation, fear, bitterness, grief, codependency in relationships, lung issues (pneumonia, asthma) and circulation issues (high/low blood pressure, blood clot, varicose veins), heart attack, heart palpitations, breast cancer, anemia, angina, Reynaud’s Syndrome
Secondary symptoms: solar plexus pain, gut tension, digestive issues, stiff neck, sore throat, ear infection/plugged ears, thyroid fluctuation, tailbone or lower back/sciatica pain, achiness, leg/feet/knee issues, ear buzzing/ringing, dizziness, restless sleep, needing more sleep, low mood, frustration, neck/shoulder pain, hip issues, weight fluctuation, feeling drained, intense or nonsensical dreams, kidney issues, feeling stressed, interdimensional/lucid dreaming, shifts in perception of your reality, crawly brain, up and down energy
Areas more affected this month: genital area, uterus, low back, kidneys, bladder, hips, heart, arms, hands, lungs, chest, Thymus gland (area of the subconscious)
If you have any concerns about your health and wellness, please consult your health practitioner immediately.
More about the Ascension process and a complete list of Ascension Symptoms HERE
February 2025 Cosmic Events:
February 9 - 2/9/9 Gateway: Divine Mission Amplification
February 12 - Full Moon in Leo @ 5:53 AM PST
February 27 - New Moon in Pisces @ 4:44 PM PST
February Monthly Specials!
20% OFF!
Please check out the Monthly Specials page on the Senses of the Soul website!
All the above-recommended products are 20% off online until February 22, 2025.
How a horse is changing the world
My beloved horse Good Karma is 22nd years old this year (April 16th is his birthday) and he is ready for a new soul mission. Over the years that he and I have journeyed together I always knew he was a very special being that required my protection.
In the horse community I often heard (and still hear) that geldings (castrated males) are docile, more stable, and therefore behave…often meaning geldings endure the abuse or agenda of humans that thought they knew better, or have an ego agenda. While this may be true, it is not definitely not right. It is not in “right relationship” with these magnificent, sentient beings. He and I had many adventures that required me to protect his soul essence while not always fully understanding why I was doing so.
I feel compelled to write about him now because it will help me atone for the veil over my eyes. Meaning I want to share that I am only just fully understanding why I journeyed with him since he was 5 years old. I admit I feel I did not always support him the way I should, but I kept a thread within me that was searching for a way to express it. Thankfully the universe kept us tied together through many tough times that we both faced so that I could embody the learning he wanted to gift me.
Two months ago I received guidance to reach out to a colleague and friend of mine that has a Horse Energy Medicine Program on Gabriola Island. Her name is Thirza Voysey and she believes in horse magic! We chatted last year about Good Karma joining her program to support her clients but I did not feel it was time to do so. However, circumstances in November compelled me to ask her if she would take him into her horse herd.
Let’s be clear on the surface it is a good deal for him - he gets to be the leader of three mares (females) and play on a 5 acre island paradise with lots of human attention. On another level there is something else happening that is more expansive; he is moving into divine service beyond my personal attentions and needs. He is now tapping into his Divine Blueprint.
However, I am human so I doubted myself and wished I could bypass my intuitive knowledge that I received to release him from his current life. I waffled, I doubted the divine download that I received to move him to Gabriola as my heart was bleeding because I could not fathom him being so far from me. He is part of my family and I wanted him to stay with me. Moving him to Gabriola Island would mean I transition from seeing him 2 times a week to 1-2 times a month. It broke my heart into many pieces.
This is when Spirit decided to show up.
Thirza sent me an oracle card reading last week that she did for her online group and it astounded her (and me) while also clarifying why Good Karma is coming to her farm.
See the oracle cards picture below.
Signs come to us when we need them the most. And seeing these cards affirmed to me that he is meant to do energy healing work now. And for those of you who saw the word Nazir on the card on the right hand side, it essentially means MONK. Yes, he is that. Perhaps he was one in another lifetime.
Nazir is also a call to "separate" yourself from distractions and worldly concerns, to focus on a higher purpose or spiritual dedication, similar to the concept of a Nazirite vow in Judaism where one "separates" themselves by abstaining from certain pleasures and practices; essentially, it encourages a period of focused introspection and commitment to a higher ideal.
This is what Good Karma wants to teach me and others as we transition into the Age of Aquarius.
What shows up in our lives is not always explainable by logic, it cannot be thought through, and nor should it be. When we move beyond the mind the heart beats loudly. When this happens we release our ego, surrender to what is and flow, and in doing so we are liberated from our earthly stories and pain. This leads us to the next stage of our spiritual growth and healing beyond the old paradigms that keep us looping in limitation.
I feel that in letting Good Karma go to a place that supports his liberation that I am liberated too. We both are moving to a new chapter in our lives and will finally live the life we always should have - one of love, abundance, freedom, and joy.
PS - My angel goats are going with him…they have told me they are there to hold space for him and others. They are a whole other story that I may write about sometime. I am excited to see where this next adventure takes all of us!
Monthly Ascension Box
A monthly box that provides YOU with evolutionary support!
Helps you to take the guesswork out of choosing from my monthly specials!
A "surprise" monthly product box intuited for your Ascension journey - includes two or more Senses of the Soul products each month (and sometimes other high vibe products such as a crystal, or an oil) that are selected from the monthly specials. So 3 or more items per box!
The box contents are lovingly channeled/created, and curated to the month's energies. Plus you also receive a monthly write up sheet with product details, cosmic dates, affirmations and monthly themes!
You choose to buy a month at a time or on a recurring monthly subscription (cancel anytime)!
Box Cost: $44 (plus GST in Canada)
(plus $15 flat rate postage - Canada & US only)
Click HERE to purchase!
More about the Monthly Ascension Box:
*Mailing of the product box to you is $44 + $15 flat rate shipping (Canadian & US orders only) Please note that we do not have control over postal delays. You will receive a shipping confirmation email once your box is shipped to you so that you can track it.
Enter 2025 with Grounded Confidence!

My Archetypal Forecast contains:
- 6 videos that highlight what you can embody as you journey through 2025
- A review of 2024’s learning so that you can galvanise your soul lessons
- Reflection questions that support you to digest and embrace the energies of 2025
- Tips for Mindfulness and caring for your mental health
Make 2025 the year you fully step into your power and sovereignty. It’s time to rise to a new level, feel confident and create your life!
ONLY $22

Samantha Orthlieb

Follow my blog for intuitively channeled insights on our Human Ascension process and the embodiment of a new Human Evolutionary Template within ourselves. My blog contains the latest themes, patterns, and common health and wellness issues that are affecting each of us and the collective consciousness as we upgrade and heal during this new paradigm of Love and Light.