July 2024 Ascension Energies: Dreaming a New Life Into Being

July's theme: Dreaming A New Life Into Being

July Keywords: self worth, balanced power, will, self truth, selfless impeccability, psychospiritual endurance, divine choices

Chakra Focus: 3rd

July Archetypes: Warrior, Spiritual Warrior

July’s Cosmic Creative Cycle: Wood -  (RE)BIRTH, FERTILITY, STRENGTH

Hello Beautiful Soul!

July’s Energies prepare us for the DNA Upgrade and 888 Abundance Gateway in August, and ask us to radiate the fullest and highest expression of ourselves—as spiritual and soulful beings who are on a path of personal growth and self-mastery. 

Universal energies are sending us encouragement and support to embrace this opportunity for expansion and trust that the universe has our backs. By grasping this opportunity we move to the next stage of our lives and end past cycles of karmic patterns that caused us to loop in our suffering. 

The archetypes we can embody on this part of our journey to finalize our transcendence from past pain to spiritual wisdom and resilience requires us to engage our third chakra. This chakra along with its corresponding collective archetypes, the Warrior and Spiritual Warrior, can neutralize and burn off any remaining obstacles within us to revitalize, activate and lift us to another enlightened level of living. 

Both of these archetypes give us the willpower and self truth to find the impulse to create, and the sustained vitality required to bring our dreams, hopes and goals to their next steps. As we move to these higher vibrations through the 77 (July 7th)  and 788 (July 8th) Gateways we become more of a Divine Creation superconductor, and must also be very aware and selective of our intentions, so that we can "dream a new life into being".

For more about these two archetypes, and how you will experience a 3rd chakra upgrade this month please watch my video below! 

Also see below for the 888 Gateway video to prepare yourself for the August DNA Upgrade!

Learn more about the collective Ascension archetypes of the Warrior and Spiritual Warrior in my Oracle card deck and Book. Explore these two archetypes and their 3rd chakra / solar plexus influence on you in my in depth course: Navigating the Ascension Journey

In service and divine liberation,


PS - Please reach out and let me know if you resonated with this Ascension Update and newsletter, and feel free to share it with others who also want love, peace and unity in our world! We are all on this incredible galactic human journey together!

My email: customerlove@sensesofthesoul.ca


Products for JULY


20% off recommended products, and $15 Flat rate shipping (Canada & US)  - I have decided to keep the flat rate shipping indefinitely!

Link to purchase: https://sensesofthesoul.ca/collections/monthly-specials

Warrior Essence or Elixir: supports you to transcend powerlessness, and transform feelings of anger, rage, and hurt into happiness, courage, and empowered action. This allows you to protect your boundaries and stand up for what is true for you. 

Spiritual Warrior Essence or Elixir: supports you to recognize that you always have a choice, to know and follow your own true self and live from a place of empowerment versus control.

Wood Element Essence: supports expansion, purpose, new possibilities, truth, justice, deep-seated transformation, being a conduit for spiritual wisdom.

Galactic Shapeshifter Essence: supports you to fulfill the role that you play in certain learning, in humble service to others, in your everyday challenges that test your determination, and to walk this path so that you get to the heart of who you are, as you traverse the Galactic Hero's Journey in the New Earth paradigm.

White Star Essence: supports you to connect to a sense of euphoria and elation through gratitude and an awareness of the sweetness of life, to reorient your life stories from your core self and a place of higher consciousness, creating more peace and ease in your life.

How Herbal Archetype Elixirs, Archetype Essences and Ascension Essences help you and which ones to choose are on my FAQ Page. Or deep dive to learn how to test yourself and others for these products in my Self-Mastery Portal Courses



July psychospiritual and physical symptoms: 

Continue to make health and wellness, including mental health a priority (the new normal) - the body/mind will continue to change at a rapid rate. So you cannot push anymore….the body needs most of its energy for these incredible internal shifts that are happening as you become homo luminous…a being of light and vibration.

Positive symptoms: increased empowerment, vitality, manifestation, self worth, spiritual strength, spiritual leadership, vulnerability, surrender

Negative symptoms: Joint pain, bloating, IBS flare ups, skin issues (redness, itchy, hives), solar plexus pain or tightness, crusty eyes, rise in addictions, bleeding gums, fatigue, anger/rage, depression, control issues, worry, resentment, low self esteem, large intestine issues (constipation/diarrhea)

Secondary symptoms: stiff neck, sore throat, ear infection/plugged ears, thyroid fluctuation, low immune issues, tailbone or lower back/sciatica pain, achiness, gut tension, general digestive issues, leg/feet/knee issues, adrenal fatigue, ear buzzing/ringing, dizziness, restless sleep, needing more sleep, low mood, frustration, neck/shoulder pain, hip issues, weight fluctuation. Inability to lose weight, feeling drained, intense or nonsensical dreams, sinus issues, kidney issues, feeling stressed, interdimensional/lucid dreaming, shifts in perception of your reality, crawly brain, up and down energy

Areas more affected this month: biliary tree, liver, gallbladder, ileocecal valve, solar plexus, pancreas, muscles, spleen, stomach, appendix, large intestine, legs, knees, feet, adrenals, immune system

If you have any concerns about your health and wellness, please consult your health practitioner immediately.

More about the Ascension process and a complete list of Ascension Symptoms HERE

July 2024 Cosmic Events:

Cosmic Dates:

July 5 - New Moon in Cancer @ 3:57 pm PDT

July 7 - 7:7 Gateway

July 8 - 7/8/8 Gateway

July 21 - Full Moon in Capricorn @ 3:17 AM PDT

July 28, 29 - Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower peaks

Mercury Retrograde:

July 15 - Aug 4 Pre-shadow

August 5 - 28 Direct

August 29 - Sept 12 Post-shadow

July Monthly Specials!

20% OFF!

Please check out the Monthly Specials page on the Senses of the Soul website!

All the above-recommended products are 20% off online until July 22, 2024


DNA Upgrade & 888 Gateway Video Recording!

Thank you to those of you who joined the event, supported me with your beautiful energy and raised the vibration with your Light!

In this video event replay you will learn:

How DNA Upgrades affect our consciousness and awareness, as well as our health and wellness 
  • what each of our 12 DNA strands represents

  • which of the strands of DNA will be activated on the 8/8/8 Gateway 

  • how you can prepare for the upcoming DNA Upgrade occurring in August

NEW Monthly Ascension Box

A monthly box that provides YOU with evolutionary support!

Helps you to take the guesswork out of choosing from my monthly specials!

A "surprise" monthly product box intuited for your Ascension journey - includes two or more Senses of the Soul products each month (and sometimes other high vibe products such as a crystal, or an oil) that are selected from the monthly specials. So 3 or more items per box!

The box contents are lovingly channeled/created, and curated to the month's energies. Plus you also receive a monthly info sheet with product details, cosmic dates, affirmations and monthly themes that compliments my Monthly Ascension Updates!

You choose to buy a month at a time or on a recurring monthly subscription (cancel anytime)!

Box Cost: $44 (plus GST in Canada)
(plus $15 flat rate postage - Canada & US only)
Click HERE to purchase! 

More about the Monthly Ascension Box:
*Mailing of the product box to you is $44 + $15 flat rate shipping (Canadian & US orders only) Please note that we do not have control over postal delays. You will receive a shipping confirmation email once your box is shipped to you so that you can track it. 

Samantha Orthlieb

Follow my blog for intuitively channeled insights on our Human Ascension process and the embodiment of a new Human Evolutionary Template within ourselves. My blog contains the latest themes, patterns, and common health and wellness issues that are affecting each of us and the collective consciousness as we upgrade and heal during this new paradigm of Love and Light.