Living Your Passion: The Muse Archetype

“The voice of your soul can no longer be silenced!  The Muse is here to support you to live your purpose through your own unique creative expression.  Breathe life into your dreams:  Inspire and be inspired.  Call on the Muse to discover how to manifest your truth in soulful co-creation with others and the Universe.” – S. Orthlieb

Those of you that follow my blog will remember when I wrote about Our Human Renovation in November of 2012.   At that time the shopping center, which is home to my store and clinic, was starting to undergo major renovations.  This face lift has lasted for almost a year and now the parking lot, curbs and walkways are being redone.  Aside from the fact that my staff, customers and clients have had enough of the noise, mess and distractions, it has been a wonderful lesson in patience and perseverance.  The latest construction is asking those that visit the parking lot to take extra care to go around the barricades and people crossing, just as we are now being asked to be more careful and vulnerable with ourselves and others.  As well, the new renovations add more colour, warmth and vitality – which mirrors the emergence of a new time of passion in our humanness.

What exactly is human passion and where does it come from?  Passion in our souls depends upon Unity within one self (masculine and feminine together in harmony), loving each other and the fire of life force from the earth and sun.  In our current culture most of us feel separate, alone, mistrustful and sometimes greedy due to lack of passion.  Our physical energy wanes due to lack of passion.  In my clinical practice I also see the absence of passion in the physical symptoms of low iron & B12, high cholesterol, insulin issues, immune deficiency and heart problems.

When we suppress our innate need for passion we lose our life force warmth and become cold in our heart.  In a world where people are afraid to embrace, touch another’s arm or be nurtured by Mother Earth many of us are losing our inner fire and sense of Unity.  The body begins to shut down with the heart and we become numb.  I spend much of my time with clients opening up their body, feeding them life force from plants and other earth medicine and getting them to lead with the heart instead of the mind.  I hug my clients and truly care for each of them.  This is an important part of the healing process; for them and for me.  Because we equate touching with sexual innuendo, we have twisted up the life force in our second chakra (the area of creation) and tainted the power of self worth in our third chakra.  Our life force is diminished and our passion flickers or dies out.  We trudge through life, uninspired and decaying.  The Muse, which is our inner passion archetype, is dormant.  How can we expect to show our creative talents and spread our wings and fly?  Our passion lies burnt out and tied in the human collective consciousness to this narrow, sexual interpretation.

In the Age of Love that we have now entered, we are being called to decide that we are worthy of inner passion and spontaneity.  That we can create adventure and excitement without having to have extreme external stimulus, toys, gadgets or tie our passion with our worship of hedonism.  We must also understand that passion is much more than the act of sex.  Passion comes from how much we are willing to connect to those around us, how much we trust, how much we live our integrity, how much we are willing to put out talents out in the world and how much we let go of our old interpretations and fear around intimacy.  It is about connecting to the fire in our belly to support our life force and immune system.  The Universe is demanding nothing less than this as we enter into fall, so I encourage you to examine your fears and limitations around living your passion.  We are being asked to give in a way that will stretch each of us emotionally if we want to change our world.

So take the time to ask yourself these questions:  Where are you holding back?  Is it in relationships?  Are you working too much and not getting out into nature enough?  Are you abusing your body?  Or are you minimizing your talents in certain areas of your life in favour of safety and security?  Do you feel that it is acceptable to stand back and let others make the changes you wish to see in the world?

All of us are like the trees and plants of this planet.  We each have our own gifts, talents and abilities to share.  We are here to teach each other lessons about love, trust, compassion and intimacy.  I encourage you to find any blockage that prohibits you from connecting more deeply with your roots and ability to go deeper within yourself.  Your life does matter, what you do with it matters, how you live it matters.  Just like the Mother Tree on my land, you nurture future generations and need to share your creativity to bring about the new energy to change our world.  So weed out any fear around sharing yourself – as we share ourselves on all levels of passion this brings about natural balance – giving and receiving and true abundance in our lives!  Our passionate Muse teaches warmth, goodness and also melts away every difference until we are ONE!

Love and light,


Physical and Psycho spiritual Symptoms for September:  We can expect that our digestion will continue to be unsettled and some will have gallbladder/spleen pain, tightness in the shoulders, neck and jaw as well as headaches.  Eat as cleanly as you can and limit sugar, alcohol and simple carbs along with recreational drugs.  Any masking of our feelings with low vibrating food will encourage shadow and pull one down deeper into self doubt and powerlessness.  Some may notice that they gained weight around the middle in the last month.  Aside from the overindulgence of summer, we are also holding onto the past, so focus on letting go and transform!  Just surrender to the changes around and within yourself.  The weight will begin to shift off as we let go and as the weather becomes colder.  I am hearing that former health issues are resurfacing or becoming much worse, even though it was thought that they were in remission – as I said before we need to get to the core of our health issues, shift our belief systems, let go of our past and connect with earth energy.  Not doing so will cause more health problems including depression and self sabotage and in some cases self destruction.   We will continue to see increases in the masculine and feminine clashing together in ourselves, with each other and in world events as we move toward Sacred Union in the collective consciousness.

Herbal Allies for September that will help you become the Muse:  Echinacea – still a good option for fall immunity as it helps with Unity and immune deficiency caused by too much outside turmoil!  Passion flower – for understanding our suffering, for soothing the soul and for allowing us to follow our passion while soothing our frayed nerves.  Hops – allows us to love our Wild Feminine within, supports us to allow change in our lives while strengthening our nervous system and energetic meridians.  Iris (in essence form) – unblocks old patterns of self-limitation an stagnation inspiring us to new heights of beauty and grace, Mullein – good for decreasing mucus in the sinuses and lungs and also is an antidote to wavering from one’s true purpose.

Senses of the Soul products that will support you:  Feel No Fear tea, Goddess Tonic tea, Sacred Union tea, Healthy Boundaries tea (excellent for lung congestion, cold and flu), Soul Chakra tea, Release the Grief tea (decreases mucus in the sinuses and lungs), The Warrior Elixir.

Important cosmic events for Sept and Oct:

New Moons –  September 5th and Oct 4th

Full Moons – September 19th and Oct 18th

Fall Equinox – September 22nd

Mercury Retrograde – Oct 21st to Nov 10th (the planet Mercury’s shift into retrograde will actually begin Oct 1st and end Nov 27th – the time between Oct 1-21 and Nov 10-27 is not as intense but is a time for caution.)  This last Mercury Retrograde of 2013 will be an intense time of death and rebirth!


Pictured – Iris – moistens the soul force when we feel dried up!