October's theme: Birthing New Creations!
October Archetypes: The Sage (Shadow: Intellect), The Alchemist (Shadow: The Destroyer)
Chakra Focus: 6th & 9th
Key Words: wisdom, imagination, intuition, psychic perception, personal transmutation, alchemical transition, psychospiritual transformation, divine karmic freedom, unlocking divine blueprint
Hello Beautiful Soul!
Great change is upon us and October will not disappoint with MANY celestial gateways and transmuting energies to propel us forward on our evolutionary path! An eclipse, comet, meteor showers and Super Full Moon along with other important portals/gateways are fueling our rebirth and calling us to our destiny.
This month we are able to heighten our inner knowing, our psychic clarity and intuition with these supportive, benevolent energies. As we do this we have the ability to fully respond to outside experiences (even if chaotic or fearful) with greater clarity, deeper heart listening and connection to our soul's needs. Building on September’s breakthroughs in authentic truth, inner freedom and healthier sense of self-esteem, we now move into October to build on our intuition, creativity, and imagination to bring about alchemical, psychospiritual transformation and change.
Our sixth chakra, brow area, will clear/expand/rewire this month, giving us the opportunity to sidestep the ego, and open up our vibrational field to the universal energy field to receive psychic and intuitive information to support our path forward.
As well, our 9th Blue Star chakra will activate at higher frequencies engaging us in divine karmic freedom, thus allowing new opportunities/supportive people/places that align with our divine blueprint.
Our soul and body will fill with more Light, raising our vibration and moving us into this new timeline more rapidly.
The two, 6th chakra archetypes to assist us in October are The Sage and The Alchemist. The Sage supports us to make personal decisions with clarity, purpose and intuitive insight. This releases us from confusion, depression, memory loss, mental busyness/congestion and personal stagnation. The Alchemist assures transformation of the inner Self when we embrace our life experiences as a means for ascension and self mastery, NOT for the fear-based or exulted behaviour of the ego. This archetype encompasses the deep understanding that we have the inner power to change our current, personal reality, by shedding the victim and being accountable and responsible, while bringing about the changes that are necessary as we courageously release the old.
Embodying these two archetypes will support us, and ground us, to live with more purpose, harmony and balance during this very fragile and chaotic time in the world.
Are YOU ready to become your own Sage and Alchemist?
More in my October video!
For more about the Sage and Alchemist archetypes please see my book and Oracle Deck, as well as my Navigating the Ascension Journey Course! For a deeper dive into the Blue Star 9th Chakra check out my Navigating Spiritual Embodiment Course.
In service and divine liberation,
PS - Please reach out and let me know if you resonated with this Ascension Update and newsletter, and feel free to share it with others who also want love, peace and unity in our world! We are all on this incredible galactic human journey together!
My email: customerlove@sensesofthesoul.ca
Products for OCTOBER
20% off recommended products, and $15 Flat rate shipping (Canada & US)
Link to purchase: https://sensesofthesoul.ca/collections/monthly-specials
SAGE Essence and Elixir: helps you to have clarity and connection to your inner wisdom and intuition so that you can be clear on your soulful intentions and next steps, supports the unblocking of old patterns of self-limitation and stagnation, enhances psychic perception.
ALCHEMIST Essence and Elixir: stills your mind and reduces negative or worrisome thoughts so that you connect more fully to your inner knowing to live with passion, purpose, co-creation, clarity, and peace, dissolves unconscious cords to others or parasitic energies that decrease your energy levels.
BLUE (9th Chakra) Star Essence: supports the integration of the earthly self with your Divine Self (unity consciousness) and assists in the manifestation of desires and abundance. Also supports connection to other realms and dimensions so you can unlock talents and abilities that are contained in your soul’s blueprint.
Fire Element Essence: supports you to step out of conformity and Shine your Light, direct fiery waves of emotion towards passionate love, creative projects, and new ideas, while at the same time be more accountable for thoughts, words, and actions on your soulful path.
Galactic Shapeshifter Essence: supports you to fulfill the role that you play in certain learning, in humble service to others, in your everyday challenges that test your determination, and to walk this path so that you get to the heart of who you are, as you traverse the Galactic Hero's Journey in the New Earth paradigm.
Illumination Spray: Protects psychic boundaries and balances the energy field, unblocks the sixth chakra and allows expansion of light from the cosmos, brings clarity of the mind, connection to the Higher Self, re-connection to the super consciousness/All That Is.
IlluminationTea: each sip calms the mind, and increases blood flow to the brain, helps to ease the pain of headaches/migraines, releases stress, provides clarity of mind and heart when dealing or responding to outer experiences, so you do not lash out with anger or fear, but with emotional intelligence and spiritual awareness.
See below for Monthly BOX & Autumn Immunity Specials!
How Herbal Archetype Elixirs, Archetype Essences and Ascension Essences help you and which ones to choose are on my FAQ Page. Or deep dive to learn how to test yourself and others for these products in my Self-Mastery Portal Courses
October psychospiritual and physical symptoms:
The body/mind shifts for the remainder of the year require us to lighten the load on all levels so work with your physical and psychological health to clear out the clutter! Now that we are out of intense trauma mode and in the residual phase of karmic patterning, it is somewhat easier to bring more balance back to the body including losing weight.
Positive symptoms: increased wisdom, emotional intelligence, visionary consciousness, imagination, intuition, illuminative insight, perspective, discernment, psychic perception, inner knowing higher truth, more self-love/ self acceptance, soulful purpose, releasing what no longer serves, deep seated transformation and personal evolution, engaged productivity.
Negative symptoms: ego issues, perfectionism, lack of drive/imagination, fever, cold/flu symptoms, viral issues, dizziness, headaches, nose/sinus congestion, low energy, poor sleep, nightmares, depression, memory loss, mental confusion/congestion, personal stagnation, chaotic energies, anxiety, adrenal and immune fatigue, crusty eyes, addiction struggles, immune issues, anger/rage, depression, lack of faith/trust, power/control issues, worry, resentment, low self esteem/self doubt, large intestine issues (constipation/diarrhea), engaging in outside energies that deplete or bring fear.
Secondary symptoms: stiff neck, sore throat, ear infection/plugged ears, thyroid fluctuation, tailbone or lower back/sciatica pain, achiness, gut tension, general digestive issues, leg/feet/knee issues, ear buzzing/ringing, dizziness, restless sleep, needing more sleep, low mood, frustration, neck/shoulder pain, hip issues, weight fluctuation, feeling drained, intense or nonsensical dreams, kidney issues, feeling stressed, interdimensional/lucid dreaming, shifts in perception of your reality, crawly brain, up and down energy.
Areas more affected this month: head, eyes, heart, Thymus, large intestine, legs, knees, feet, adrenals, immune system.
If you have any concerns about your health and wellness, please consult your health practitioner immediately.
More about the Ascension process and a complete list of Ascension Symptoms HERE
October 2024 Cosmic Events:
October 2 - New Moon in Libra @11:49 pm PDT & Annular Solar Eclipse
October 7 - Draconids Meteor Shower peaks
October 8 - 10/8/8 Gateway
October 10 - 10:10 Gateway
October 17 - Super Full Moon in Aries @4:26 AM PDT
October 21, 22 - Orionids Meteor Shower peaks
Tsuchinshan-Atlas Comet - On Sept. 27th, the comet will pass by the sun near the orbit of Mercury where it will receive a brightening dose of solar heat. Then it will proceed toward Earth for a close encounter (0.47 AU) on Oct. 12th. Around that time, the comet might be bright enough to see in broad daylight. (spaceweather)
See my monthly video for the meaning of this comet!
October Monthly Specials!
20% OFF!
Please check out the Monthly Specials page on the Senses of the Soul website!
All the above-recommended products are 20% off online until October 22, 2024.
It’s official! - all 13 of my New Earth Archetype essences are now available on my website!Each essence is $22 or BUY all 13 of the essences and SAVE $101!

These New Earth Archetypes will shape who you BECOME from now until YEAR 2032.
NEW Monthly Ascension Box
A monthly box that provides YOU with evolutionary support!
Helps you to take the guesswork out of choosing from my monthly specials!
A "surprise" monthly product box intuited for your Ascension journey - includes two or more Senses of the Soul products each month (and sometimes other high vibe products such as a crystal, or an oil) that are selected from the monthly specials. So 3 or more items per box!
The box contents are lovingly channeled/created, and curated to the month's energies. Plus you also receive a monthly write up sheet with product details, cosmic dates, affirmations and monthly themes!
You choose to buy a month at a time or on a recurring monthly subscription (cancel anytime)!
Box Cost: $44 (plus GST in Canada)
(plus $15 flat rate postage - Canada & US only)
Click HERE to purchase!
More about the Monthly Ascension Box:
*Mailing of the product box to you is $44 + $15 flat rate shipping (Canadian & US orders only) Please note that we do not have control over postal delays. You will receive a shipping confirmation email once your box is shipped to you so that you can track it.
Cold and Flu Products to support you during the Ascension Process!
It’s that time of year again- the body is more prone to illness as the days grow darker, the Veil thins and the weather turns cooler in the northern hemisphere. And with continuous upgrades our bodies are going through tremendous cellular changes so many are going into September feeling fatigued and run down.
This month’s Ascension energy will continue to affect our adrenals, our digestion, and the endocrine and immune systems, so I have monthly specials on certain immune products to support you through this upgrade process!
Thrive Immune tincture - This tasty liquid blend of intentionally-formulated herbs and spices is designed to support the body against illness and the effects of stress. Chock full of vitamin C and antioxidants, it also contains antiviral, antibacterial, and other immune-boosting ingredients. Safe to take all winter long as a preventative. Great for the whole family!
Dosage: 1 dropperful twice daily, reduce in half for children under 12 years. For children 6 years to Adult. Also available in a tea version.
Ingredients: Elderberry, Elderflower,Echinacea Root, Echinacea Leaf, Astragalus, Blackberry Leaf, Blackberry Root, Ginger Root, Clove, Licorice, Cinnamon
Vira Blend tincture - Vira Blend helps to support your immune system throughout cold and flu season whenever you begin to feel it wane. Take if you begin to feel achy, flu-like and exhausted, it also expels the vibration of fear and low self-worth which is linked to viruses. A perfect staple for any herbal medicine cabinet.
Adult Dosage: 1 dropperful daily as preventative, 2 to 4 dropperfuls daily for at least a week if acute. For children 6 and up use ½ dropperful daily as preventative, 1 to 2 dropperfuls daily if acute.
Ingredients: Echinacea Angustifolia, Echinacea Purpurea, Boneset, Bee Balm, Ginger, Hyssop, Olive Leaf, Usnea, Wild Indigo.
Non-Stimulating Immune Blend - an immune tincture product for those that have immune sensitivity, or are immunocompromised*, or for those that need a more gentle formula such as recovering from a long standing illness or body frailty. This formula also supports emotional courage, perseverance, nurtures the heart and brings back inner passion for life.
*while generally safe for immunocompromised individuals please consult your health practitioner for contraindications and interactions with meds or if undergoing chemo or radiation!
Dosage: 2 dropperfuls twice daily for acute, 2 dropperfuls daily for maintenance
Ingredients: Borage, Olive Leaf, Rosehip, Beebalm, Boneset, Ginger, Hyssop
Herbal Protection Throat Spray - this spray is my go to throughout the cold/flu season. I also take it travelling and frequently spray my throat while in airports and on planes. Great protection barrier against any respiratory or airborne illnesses. Clears blockages in the 5th chakra and creates a bridge between the body/mind.
Dosage: Spray daily up to 6 x daily
Ingredients: Astragalus, Echinacea Angustifolia Root, Echinacea Purpurea Root and Leaf, Elderberry, Elderflower, Licorice, Redroot, Sage, Yarrow
Healthy Boundaries Elixir - bolsters the immune system and provides protection from parasitic or unhealthy energies. This immune strengthening tincture supports personal barriers, allowing you to have healthier relationships with others.
Dosage: 2 dropperfuls daily, double dosage to 2 dropperfuls twice daily if you feel fluish/tired/over run, have poor/weakened boundaries with others, and cannot stand up for yourself.
Ingredients: herbal tinctures and flower essences of Mullein Leaf, Yarrow, Goldenrod, Rosehips. Do not use if you have a known allergy to ragweed and the Asteraceae family.
All products are 20% off! (Except Thrive Immune which is BUY 1 GET ONE FREE)
Samantha Orthlieb

Follow my blog for intuitively channeled insights on our Human Ascension process and the embodiment of a new Human Evolutionary Template within ourselves. My blog contains the latest themes, patterns, and common health and wellness issues that are affecting each of us and the collective consciousness as we upgrade and heal during this new paradigm of Love and Light.