Returning Home to Yourself – Part One

“To be great, be whole;

Exclude nothing, exaggerate nothing that is not you.

Be whole in everything. Put all you are

Into the smallest thing you do.

So, in each lake, the moon shines with splendor

Because it blooms up above.” ― Fernando Pessoa, Poems of Fernando Pessoa

Imagine if you were Whole.  What would that feel like?  You would feel peaceful, harmonious and in tune with everything around you.  You would be able to relate with ease to other people no matter what language they speak or where they live in the world because you are sitting in your heart’s center and feel compassion for the common human experience.  You are intimately connected with plants, animals and all of nature – a relationship of deep respect.  You know you are a guardian of the planet; everything touches you and flows through you.  You feel a responsibility to protect all life; you care so much for the earth and the cosmos that you believe that you are a conscious co-creator.  All your values and actions are based on diversity, freedom, resilience and abundance.  You do not struggle in your life but simply are receptive, graceful and surrender with vulnerability to the lessons you are here to learn in this lifetime.  You view your relationships with friends, family and your community as sacred and soulful.  You live with humility and are in service to the greater good.  No preconceived notion of what your life should be like; just a childlike wonder at what unfolds and being present in the moment.  Being Whole is how you return to yourself and ease your suffering. Being Whole is the new LOVE.

Now imagine if our collective consciousness were to shift to this exquisite form of LOVE so that the seed of being Whole was planted and with careful tending, nurturing and weeding it grew.  Through raging storms and gentle sunny days it grew bigger and bigger.  Until one day all people embrace this form of LOVE so naturally that it is becomes effortless like a heartbeat and one’s breath.

Wholeness is a possibility and within one’s reach.  We have been moving towards it for five years now (see my past blogs!).  However, for those of us who have struggled through August and are now going through changes, trauma and chaos in September this sense of Wholeness may seem elusive.  The key word echoing in our soul is lost, lost, lost.  Returning home to one’s self is not possible as we have not found ourselves yet- and the “old us” no longer exists.  Indeed we are still purging and ridding ourselves of the last of our Industrial shadow.  And until every last piece of the old within us and the collective is gone, we will continue to feel the cosmic squeeze.

Our masculine and feminine selves are starting to slowly talk to one another again after a violent break-up in July and August;  they now have the choice to renew their relationship in a mutually supportive way.  Many may have seen this reflected in the turmoil of world events and in their own lives in the past couple of months.  We have literally been bashed against the rocks this year so that we will break apart and soulfully and spiritually embrace the new form of co-creative LOVE.

September and October offer up HUGE cosmic events with energy that will allow us to find ourselves in a new way, however it will mean making co-creative choices and taking action, more chaos mixed with uncertainty and a dash of insanity.  So it is best to go with the flow and know that everything happening to us is pushing us even farther from the familiarity of duality to living Wholeness as our new home.  Nothing will ever be the same again.  Thank goodness!

Soulful Blessings,


Physical and Psycho-spiritual symptoms for September: Are you ready to surrender?  With this new form of LOVE we must allow ourselves to be vulnerable and accept that we are being broken apart so that we can gather the pieces back together and arrange them to create something very new.  And we must gracefully learn the lessons that will align us with the new co-creative values.  All of our thoughts, intentions and actions will manifest quickly, for better or for worse so that we will know that we are conscious co-creators. The cosmic events in September and October will bring us and the world to its knees!  Wow!- A super full moon, The Equinox, two eclipses and Mercury Retrograde are coming up in the next seven weeks!  The return of the Sacred Feminine within us will continue to grow during September and October and the pressure will not ease off until mid-November.  There will be more and more people yearning to change the status quo (I mentioned in my August blog that there would be a massive awakening!), standing up for the feminine, aligning with their soulful purpose, seeking to help the planet in some way and creating a more sustainable lifestyle.

There will be more grieving and letting go (but not as intensely as the first part of the year), issues in relationships and the need to clearly communicate our intentions.  My sense is that this cold and flu season will be very intense as our immune systems will be very sensitive as we continue to shift and fear will take root with all the changes and chaos in the collective (fear decreases immune response).  So good immune herbs are a must all winter, along with enough Vitamin D and C.  Women (and some men) will need to also make sure their thyroid is working properly – there will be more thyroid and weight issues as co-creative energy shifts in the fifth/throat area.  There will be circulation issues in the fourth chakra that originate from the heart as we shift into more compassion and One Heart and lung issues when grieving is repressed.  Watch that a flu does not mutate into strep throat or pneumonia.  Our digestion will still be an issue as our third chakra repatterns to more balanced power and self worth.  Take time to process the last of your “dying” and give your “returning” the consideration and time it deserves.  Rest, eat well, ponder, get your ducks in a row and do not jump into anything too quickly – all true creation in alignment with Divine Will takes time!

Senses of the Soul products:  Goddess Tonic Tea (to stay rooted in the Sacred Feminine), Feel No Fear Tea (eases fear and calms the nervous system), Thrive Immune Tea and Healthy Boundaries Tea, The Spiritual Warrior Elixir or Essence (for resilience, endurance and the courage to live one’s truth at all cost, use the Elixir to warm the digestive tract and help digestion due to stress and poor eating habits), The Magical Child Elixir( for easing darkness to bring light to the soul – it contains Elderberry and Rose Hip, both excellent for viral protection), The Mystic Elixir ( ignites the creative energy of the second chakra in resolute faith of a higher calling, also facilitates Sacred Union of the feminine and masculine within to allow a spiritual life with soulful earthly purpose, contains Echinacea for immune support)..

Important cosmic events for September & October:

Full Moons – September 8 (Super Full Moon), October 8

New Moons – September 23, October 23

Partial Solar Eclipse – October 23 (with the new moon)

Full Lunar Eclipse – October 8 (with the full moon)

Fall Equinox – September 23 (with the new moon)

Mercury Retrograde – October 4-26

Pictured:  Sunflower – for personal power at its highest level and strength through an open heart.  It also allows for the emergence of courage, balanced ego forces, and self confidence as one steps into service and leadership.