Working with Meaninglessness

“I would rather have strong enemies than a world of passive individualists. In a world of passive individualists nothing seems worth anything simply because nobody stands for anything. That world has no convictions, no victories, no unions, no heroism, no absolutes, no heartbeat. That world has rigor mortis.” ― Criss Jami 

“Just tell me why; why the fucking why?” To which the universe would hollowly respond, “My ways cannot be known, oh man.” Which is to say, “My ways do not make sense, nor do the ways of those who dwell in me.” – Philip K. Dick, VALIS

“And people get all fouled up because they want the world to have meaning as if it were words… As if you had a meaning, as if you were a mere word, as if you were something that could be looked up in a dictionary. You are meaning.”  – Alan Wilson Watts

The first Mercury Retrograde of 2014 did not fail to deliver powerful lessons for all.  In this final week of February many feel as if they have been through the cosmic ringer several times since the beginning of this month.  Our inner self has taken a beating, our feminine in particular has been challenged to stand up for herself and our world in general is seemingly in more chaos.  It has been a month to delve deeply into what really matters and to stand up for ourselves and protect those that cannot.  However, during this four week process the onslaught of greed, power struggles and meaningless acts of violence has tipped our collective psyche once again into fear and fatigue.  Individually and collectively we have been in a battle of the ego with the Higher Self- which is currently preventing us from reaching another level of co-creative growth in this Year of the Spiritually Fittest.

In order to reach this next level of growth we need to work with meaninglessness.  It is a long word that has sadness, fear and apathy attached to it.  Meaninglessness indicates that the world really does not have any meaning.  And for our human ego that is not acceptable.  Generally when we get to this point the illusion of our lives has been stripped away and appears grey and in ashes.  February has certainly been an outstanding example of disillusionment.  This lackluster view infuriates us, makes us fearful of our future and causes deep anguish within the soul.  However, once we accept that the world really has no meaning in a concrete sense, we are able to step up to that next level of spiritual illumination.  We will also find the true “gold” in our soulful process, and in the events that happen to us and around us.

In our new co-creative world we are able to counter meaninglessness by simply falling into a state of love and reaching out to others to help them.  We can also find a sense of renewed passion through a creative process and through building something new; and this our fractured, collective human state desperately needs right now.  Whatever ignites our heart’s passion and fuels our soul will ultimately transcend meaninglessness and erase the illusion of separateness.  When we feel One with all and co-create with each other, we can step out of our state of withdrawal and again give and receive equally.  Many of us are feeling that we just want to give up, run away from it all and be done with the folly of our lives.  However, this will lead to a continued lack of success, separateness, imbalance and more sadness.  Only through joining together and being active participants in our lives can we heal ourselves and feel whole.  When we act through this wholeness and commit, forgive, trust, give, receive and love – we co-create and heal ourselves and others.  As I mentioned before we are being asked by the Universe to take living to a higher spiritual frequency this year so that more people will follow (read my last two blogs for a refresher!)

As we move forward into March it is important to not be distracted by all the problems and continuing chaos around us (as it is only going to get more chaotic as the year progresses).  We must focus on what we have to offer that can help erase the illusion of separation, raise our individual vibration and continue to heal the world around us.  There are many roads to choose from but knowing one’s self will allow one to feel the Universal nudge down the best path at this time.

We must ask ourselves these hard questions in order to move forward:  

1)      What really matters for me?  Once the illusion of materialism, ego and power is gone, what is left that matters?

2)      Where can I best use my talents and which opportunities will allow me to equally give and receive?

3)      What is my greatest fear and why am I fearful?

4)      Am I hiding my feminine self out of fear and apathy?

5)      Is my masculine self disappointing me and/or sabotaging my feminine?

6)      How can I work better with myself and with others?  Where can we find the common ground?

7)      What can I create that is new versus fighting the old?

Answering these questions, listening for messages around us and combining that with the wisdom of this month’s learning will show us where we need to go next.  Then we can redirect and alchemize the next phase of our co-creative journey.  So dig in deep, find your courage and keep walking bravely forward with your heart open!  There is much work to do to create a new world and much love to give and receive while creating it!

Love and blessings,


Physical and Psycho spiritual Symptoms for March:  The last week of February has seen another round of solar flares which hit us hard psycho spiritually.  The flu mutated and made another round.  Our physical body is frazzled and most are feeling fatigued with bouts of procrastination, sadness, grief and futility.  There is also fear; fear of what is to come as we know there will be battles ahead as the old clashes with the new.  Universal forces will continue to hammer us physically if we balk at our personal growth and spiritual responsibilities.  I continue to work with all my clients on moving them from a place of fear, anger and separation to a place of heart centered love and spirituality.  Fusing body and heart with Spirit is the key to remaining healthy; the illusion of body being separate from Spirit is an old paradigm that must be broken this year.  I feel that there will be great leaps in eco-spirituality and sexual orientation/liberation as a result.

As we head into the new moon on Saturday, March 1st we will begin to see new possibilities, feel hopeful, and opportunities for the next phase of our soulful path will line up.  We must be open to receiving and not push our agendas.  Our courage and stamina will return.  We have two new moons in this month (March 1st and March 30th), so there will be a burst of growth and activity in between them.  The week of the full moon on March 16th and the Spring Equinox on March 20 will see the peak of our monthly activity with a wind down period afterward and integration of the lessons learned.  March will be brighter, our senses will awaken and our heart will expand.  Our inertia and introspection from the end of February will start to sprout plans in March and impact the rest of this year’s evolution.  It is important to remember that everything we do must be for the higher good and include the new co-creative values (see page 41 of my book).  Most especially we must support and champion the feminine in every aspect of our thoughts and actions.  Working with others for the championing and protection of our planet, animals, nature, children, the elders and women will move mountains, break down walls and create wholeness within and without.

Herbal Allies for MarchDandelion is our main ally for March with its message of “I feel the fear and do it anyway.” It stimulates our digestion, relaxes the sympathetic nervous system, and helps to regulate our thyroid function.  It also stabilizes our blood sugar, immune system and increase serotonin.  It helps us connect more consciously with our body and move past limiting beliefs.  Its spirit will help us to stay focused and bring illumination to our soul for clarity of purpose. Peppermint allows us to be mindful and in the moment.  It imparts clarity and mental alertness to help us stay on course.  It thwarts addictive eating pattern, helps digestion and aids us in recognizing that we have a choice, versus needing to control or feel helpless.  It connects us to our sixth chakra so that we may co-create in our lives for the highest good and extract wisdom from our life experiences. Red Clover allows for the free flow of communication and self-expression.  It also helps us to express ourselves with integrity, love and care.  It is a blood purifier, improves cardiovascular circulation and helps cleanse the liver.  The sought after four leaf clover signifies the fusion of the body, mind, soul and spirit to create impassioned purpose here on earth.

Senses of the Soul products:  Soul Chakra Tea, Urban Warrior Tea, The Earth Mother Elixir or Essence, The Warrior Elixir or Essence, The Prophet Elixir or Essence.

Important cosmic events for March & April 2014:

New Moons – March 1, March 30

Full Moons – March 16, April 15

Spring Equinox – March 20th

Pictured:  Tenacious and Courageous Dandelion (with a rainbow effect!)