Awakened Masculine Box

Awakened Masculine Box

Regular price $66.00 $66.00 Sale

Awakened Masculine Box


The Co-creative Masculine in a soulful box!


The Awakened Masculine Box includes: 


1 - 60 gram Sacred Union Tea

1 - 100ml A Walk in the Woods Spray

1 - 30ml Shaman Essence  

Dried cedar leaves in organza bag


All come in a white mailing box with crinkle paper, description and usage instructions. Buy it for yourself or gift this box to someone you know who needs soulful Awakening!


Our Awakened or co-creative Masculine is here to be in service to our Empowered Feminine. This level of service goes beyond ego and gender based sense of self. As with our current cultural sense of our feminine Self, the masculine is beginning to awaken and be released from his chains. He is weary of funnelling his soul into drudgery, being controlled by the dominating concrete, cultural forces and numbing his emotional pain. A part of Him yearns to again be connected to nature and nature's regenerative masculine energy; to find his Shamanic life force, tenacity, and wild survival mechanisms that are inherent in his DNA. He craves to reconnect, flow and dance with the Empowered Feminine, instead of being angry with Her, controlling Her and dominating Her fiery, visionary and passionate spirit. He understands that he can manifest creation and prosperity without control.


What are the Awakened Masculine Values?


-You are the Divine Feminine's benevolent protector and Hero. This includes Mother Earth, her creatures, children and women

-You are willing to embrace emotional availability, compassion, receptivity, creative virility and cherish conscious, sexual expression

-You are willing to delve deeply into your shadow side to retrieve your soul which has been lost to cultural illusion. This can be a dark and often frightening journey, which reqires you to cultivate deep endurance

-You wish to embrace impeccable integrity, pure wisdom, great courage and BE the defender of the Great Womb from whence you came

-You support the feminine aspect in visionaries, so they can bring their co-creative gifts and talents into the world. Your ego self is interested in supporting collaborations, not competition

-As a Guardian of the Womb, you pick your battles and only fight for Love, and ultimately surrender to its embrace

-You understand the energy of manifesting without the need for attachment or control of the outcome


The Awakened Masculine embodies the energy of the Shaman and Sacred Union Archetypes which liberates your full and natural expression of Masculine Self. These archetypes also elevate your self awareness and allow your Empowered Feminine and Awakened Masculine to ultimately form a Sacred Union bases on harmony and true equal partnership. This allows you to find true inner peace and mutual empowerment. When you merge these two equal parts of yourself there is no separation between Spirit and Earth; you become One with all that is. You become the Dreamer in which you manifest Creation into being through your talents, so that you can help transform our world into a co-creative paradise on earth.