The Spiritual Warrior - Archetype Essence 30ml

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Chakra Three: Evolving - The Spiritual Warrior

Positive Archetype: The Spiritual Warrior

Negative Archetype: The Narcissist

Key Words: Spiritual Integrity, Selfless Impeccability, Psycho-Spiritual Endurance, Divine Choices

Ingredients: Barberries essence, Ginger essence, Goldenrod essence, Monkshood essence, Mountain Pride essence, Tomato essence, Gold gem elixir

Suggested Dosage: 5-15 drops a day. Drop directly in your mouth or a glass of water.

You need this if:

- You want to recognize that you always have a choice 

- You want to learn to live from a place of empowerment versus control

- You want to balance the polarities of masculine and feminine within yourself to allow flexibility of will and a willingness to learn lessons related to inner power

- You find yourself easily influenced by a group or by cultural ties and are not knowing or following your own true self

- You are lacking clarity with your direction for how to serve in the world 

- You want to thwart addictive patterns

You are being called to live authentically and “walk your talk”. The high road is not always the easy road and the Spiritual Warrior will provide you with the courageous endurance to live your truth; even when doing so requires sacrifice and may cause pain. The Spiritual Warrior will help you hold yourself accountable and ensure your actions are in alignment with your values. It is only when you are true to yourself that you are truly in your power.

Learn more about vibration medicine and Archetype Essences for Chakras 1-7 in Navigating the Ascension Journey 

All Senses of the Soul formulas have been co-creatively formulated in partnership with Mother Earth for those needing to heal on mental or emotional levels. Senses of the Soul Essences can help restore balance to the individual via the vibrational properties of the essences they contain. Essences circumvent the ego and intellect to connect one with his or her Inner Self.  

Confused about the difference between a Senses of the Soul Herbal Elixir and a Senses of the Soul Flower and Gem Essence? Click HERE for the Frequently Asked Questions Page.