Sample Healthy Boundaries Tea 4g

Sample Healthy Boundaries Tea 4g

Regular price $1.25 Sale

Boost your body's innate defenses!

Corresponding Chakras: 4th Chakra, 6th Chakra

Ingredients: Mullein Leaf, Yarrow, Golden Rod, Rosehips

Flavour Profile: Earthy, bitter taste, the yarrow comes through strong, with a soft sweet undertone. The tea needs to be bitter to reset us because when we are too sweet in our personality we have poor boundaries.

Healthy Boundaries Tea bolsters the Immune System providing protection from parasitic energies. This Immune strengthening tea creates personal barriers, allowing you to have healthier relationships with others. When you are feeling tired and run down, this opens you up to parasitic beings, pulling you away from your Higher Self. People with lower vibrations will continue to latch on to you and suck you dry, furthur weakening your immunity. 

Healthy Boundaries Tea blocks Energetic and Etheric* parasites, safeguarding you from their vampiric tendencies. Those suffering from prolonged low immunity tend to have poor self-esteem, they feel they are not worth the fight for Self and thereby allow those around them to run rickshaw over them. Absorb the teas healing energy and begin forming your defenses; bring balance back into your life again. Also useful for fever and flu symptoms.

All Senses of the Soul Teas have been co-creatively blended in partnership with Mother Earth. Our teas are hand crafted with organic, wild harvested or non-irradiated herbs. These exquisite loose-leaf teas have whole flowers, vibrant leaves and chopped roots to provide richer flavour and a stronger life force than processed bagged teas. Teas work on an energetic level while also providing benefits to the body and it's systems. Sitting down to a cup of tea is an act of self-nurturing, bringing awareness and intention to the individual's healing experience.

*Etheric is the lowest energetic layer of the body's energy field (aura), which connects the physical body to its Higher Self.



Disclaimer: If on medication, check with your health practitioner before use. Do not combine herbal remedies with pharmaceutical drugs unless you have consulted your health practitioner. As with all medicinal products, keep out of reach of children and pets, and avoid use during pregnancy or lactation.