Rhodonite egg

Regular price $30.00 $24.00 Sale

Rhodonite is celebrated for its emotional and spiritual healing prowess, helping to dissolve walls around the heart, fostering self-love, and guiding individuals towards their higher truth.

With its strong connection to the heart chakra, Rhodonite aids in overcoming emotional wounds, fostering unconditional love, and promoting mutual understanding in relationships.

It supports one to bring fear and false beliefs to the surface, enabling them to clear, exposing beliefs that you may have long taken as truth. 

Rhodonite promotes: unconditional love, energizes the heart chakra, self-worth, self-confidence, emotional harmony, higher state of consciousness, is a morale booster, strengthens ears/ hearing/attuning. Enhances vibrational field sensitivity to mantras and affirmations. Enables one to remain confident, dignified. Encourages generosity of spirit. 

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